Thursday, May 21, 2015

Matthew 5

Matthew 5 is the sermon on the mount and the beatitudes.  In the chapter it says
14 “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that[b] they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven." We are to be bold for Christ and not be afraid to share and live the gospel to those around us.  Alot of times its we ourselves who snuff out the light and not those around us, we must keep our light burning.

Matthew 4

We do not have a God who cannot sympathize with our weakness, who doses not know our struggles, one who is un-knowledgeable about our lives.  For forty days Jesus was in the wilderness and he was tempted by the devil and he was hungry.  He knows what it is to be hungry and tempted.  But he did not give in.  He stood against the devil by quoting scripture back to him.  In times of trial we should turn to scripture, it our handbook, our guidebook, that God has given us.  Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.  Jesus fulfills a prophesy spoken by Isaiah by going into the territory of Zebulun and Naphtali and teaching repentance.  Matthew 4 is also when Jesus calls his first disciples, Peter and Andrew. 

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Matthew 3

The fulfillment of a prophesy starts chapter 3.  John the Baptist came from the wilderness preaching repentance to fulfill what the prophet Isiah prophesied.  When John was baptizing he saw the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to his baptism and said that every tree that does not bear fruit will be cut down and thrown in the fire.  He humbled himself by saying that he only baptized with water, but one greater than him would baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire.  When Jesus came to be baptized John at first said no for Jesus should be baptizing him and not John baptizing Jesus.  John did baptize Jesus and when he did the heavens opened up and the Spirit of God descended on Jesus like and dove and a voice said that this was his son in whom he was well pleased.   

Monday, May 18, 2015

Matthew 2

Matthew 2 is when the birth actually happens.  Wise men sent by Herod came to Mary and Joseph and presented gifts to Jesus.  The wise men were warned in a dream not to return to Herod and they did not, then each went back to their homes.  After they wise men had come Joseph had a dream and was told to flee into Egypt.  Joseph took Mary and Jesus and went into Egypt.  Herod was angry that the wise men did not return to him so he ordered that all males two and under should be killed in Bethlehem.  When Herod died and angel told Joseph in a dream to return to Israel.  Joseph and Mary took Jesus to Nazareth.  From the beginning prophesies were being fulfilled.  It was prophesied that a ruler would come from Bethlehem.  It was prophesied that Jesus should come out of Egypt.  It was prophesied that the children would be killed.  It was prophesied that He would be called a Nazarene.     

Matthew 1

Matthew 1 begins with the genealogy of Jesus.  From Abraham to Jesus there are 42 generations. Matthew then goes into the birth of Jesus.  Before the marriage of Joseph and Mary, Mary was found to be with child.  In those times that was absolutely unacceptable.  So as not to put Mary to shame Joseph was going to divorce her quietly.  He was visited by and angel in a dream and was told that the child was from the spirit, and he did not divorce her.  He obeyed the Lord.

James 5

James five starts with a condemning of the rich of that time.  Next is the encouragement to be patient and steadfast through suffering.  James five then urges us to pray and pray in all things at all times.

Jammes 4

James 4 is a warning against worldliness.  It is what causes strife among us.  It is the exact opposite of what we should have, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and self control.  And how can we boast about tomorrow?  For all we know, we could die the next moment.  

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

James 3

The tongue, it can set others aflame with the holy fire of heaven or with the consuming fires of hell.  Our words are powerful, they have the power to bind, to set free, to crush, to lift, to condemn, and to forgive.  We must take care for what we say.  After shedding light on the tongue James then talks about wisdom, worldly vs wisdom from above. From earthly wisdom abounds jealously, selfish ambition, disorder and evil practices.  From Heavenly wisdom abounds peace, gentleness ,openness, mercy, and good fruit.

Monday, May 11, 2015

James 2

James starts with a message that we should show no partiality.  Rich, poor, man, or women; it doesn't matter we should love and serve them alike.  After that we hear that faith is dead without works.  If we say we have faith but bear no fruit what good is that faith.  If we have works, but have no faith to drive those works what good do they do? Faith and works must be put together, they walk hand in hand.  They need each other.  They both support each other.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

James 1

James tells us that we should rejoice when we face trials for it is the testing of our faith and will produce steadfastness.  For how easy is it to praise God when things our going well?  When things go south however, its not always so easy.  He then goes on to tell us the difference of hearing and doing the word.  That we should be doers and not just hearers.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Galatians 6

In the closing of this book Paul ends with imploring us to bear on another's burden and reminds us that we shall reap what we sow.  Paul also says that there is nothing that he can boast in other than Christ, but that shouldn't just be him, that extends to all of us.  We should not boast in what we can do, but what is in us.  For what has more honor, a house or its builder?