Monday, May 18, 2015

Matthew 2

Matthew 2 is when the birth actually happens.  Wise men sent by Herod came to Mary and Joseph and presented gifts to Jesus.  The wise men were warned in a dream not to return to Herod and they did not, then each went back to their homes.  After they wise men had come Joseph had a dream and was told to flee into Egypt.  Joseph took Mary and Jesus and went into Egypt.  Herod was angry that the wise men did not return to him so he ordered that all males two and under should be killed in Bethlehem.  When Herod died and angel told Joseph in a dream to return to Israel.  Joseph and Mary took Jesus to Nazareth.  From the beginning prophesies were being fulfilled.  It was prophesied that a ruler would come from Bethlehem.  It was prophesied that Jesus should come out of Egypt.  It was prophesied that the children would be killed.  It was prophesied that He would be called a Nazarene.     

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