Friday, January 30, 2015

Mark 16

In Mark 16 we see the fulfillment of what Jesus had told the disciples what was going to happen while He was with them.  He told them that He wold be betrayed and killed, we see this in the previous chapter.  In this chapter He raises from the dead.  Before He ascends to heaven He gives them a task, to proclaim the gospel to all creation.  This was not just charged to the disciples, but to all Christians at all times.  

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Mak 15

In Mark 15 we see the full love of Christ.  He was mocked and did not turn away from His path, He was beaten and He did not turn from His path, He was crucified and did not turn from His path.  And in the greatest show of love, He died for us.  True love, a perfect man who had no sin in Him, stepped down and took our place.  He was the final sacrificial lamb.  He took our sins, past, present, and future and paid for them.  So when Christians encounter a little trial and feel like its too much to bear, look to the cross!!!

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Mark 13

In Mark 14 we see that Jesus is committed to what must be done.  Before He is arrested, He continues to teach and prepare His disciples.  He again tells them He will be betrayed and that Peter will deny Him.  While He had the last super with the disciples He taught them the Lords supper.  When He was arrested He went willingly and before the the council of priests He did not waver.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Mark 13

In Mark 13 Jesus talks about the end of the days.  He foretells the destruction of the temple, The sign of when it it close to the end, people who will come to deceive, and that the Son of Man will come.  Jesus told his disciples that no one knows the day or hour.  Like when Jesus has foretold His death, He is preparing His disciples and us for what is to come.  By this time He has spent years with the disciples.  We should heed the warnings of Christ so we will not be taken by surprise the signings of the times.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Mark 12

Mark 12 begins with the parable of the tenants.  What is interesting is that after it was finished the Pharisees were seeking to arrest Hi, but they feared the reaction of the people because they knew the parable was about themselves.  In this chapter Jesus talks to and reproves the Pharisees, the Sadducees, and the Scribes.  He has by now told the people to beware of all three of them.  We also see the perfect example of what giving is in this chapter.  The widow didn't give much, but she gave what she could.  Giving is in the heart, not the money.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Mark 11

In Mark 11 Jesus' triumphal entry takes place.  Jesus had told the disciples to tell anyone who asked why they were untying the colt to sat, "The Lord has need of it...".  What was interesting is that the people then let them go?  Who did they think it was when the disciples said "The Lord"? When Jesus entered the town on the colt people laid their cloaks and leafy branches on the road.  When in Jerusalem Jesus entered to the temple to see it being used as a marketplace.  He overturned the tables and drove out the people.  I believe that is a fair warning on how a church should conduct its self.  You cant sell salvation or sell Jesus to the people.  There was a fig tree that Jesus went to for food and there were no figs.  Jesus cursed the tree that it would never bear fruit gain.  Later the next day when they went past the tree it was withered all the way to the roots.  This was Jesus' lesson on having faith and the power of prayer to the Father. 

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Mark 10

In Mark 10 we continue to see how the disciples are like us as new believers.  They have grown, but they just still don't quite get it.  They tried to keep the children from Jesus and Jesus was indigent and rebuked them.  When Jesus was answering the young rich man on how to inherit eternal life, the disciples too seemed clueless.  And then we see that they continue to have troubles among themselves.  James and John request to sit at the right and left hand of Jesus and when the rest of the disciples hear this they become indigent.  Anther interesting part in this chapter is that Jesus foretells His death a third time.  He was really preparing the disciples and giving them foreknowledge for the days to come.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Mark 9

In Mark 9 we still see that Jesus is not yet ready to reveal himself.  After the disciples witness the Transfiguration He charged them to tell no one what they had witnessed.  And once again we see the we stumblings of the disciples.  They tried to heal a boy with an unclean spirit and were not ale to, to which Jesus exclaimed, "O faithless generation, how long am I to be with you?  How long am I to bear with you?"    We also see the disciples arguing about who was the greatest among themselves.  And Jesus says whoever shall be put first will be last and whoever is last shall be put first.  Jesus also for the second time foretells His death and resurrection.  

Monday, January 19, 2015

Mark 8

What I find most interesting about Mark 8 is how the disciples go between being spiritually blind, to seeing, how they keep changing, wavering.  The disciples were worried about the amount of bread they had and Jesus takes the opportunity to tell them to beware the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod.  The disciples continue to discuss the fact that they had no bread.  Jesus by this time has fed five thousand with five loaves and two fish, and there was left overs, and again fed four thousand with seven loaves and a few fish, and once again, there were left overs.  Do the disciples really think that Jesus will not provide?  But how often do we as Christians do the same?  We see God provide, and yet we continue to worry.  Later in the chapter Peter confesses that Jesus is Christ.  Here is where we see some inconsistencies with the disciples.  They worry about bread, but will confess the man they are with as God.  

Friday, January 16, 2015

Mark 5

In Mark 5 we see people have faith.  In the beginning of the chapter Jesus heals a man with a demon.  After that He begins to leave and the man asks to come with Jesus.  Jesus tells him to stay and proclaim what the Lord has done for him.  This man doesn't know anything other than Jesus healed Him, he didn't get to walk with Him and listen to His words, but he stayed and proclaimed.  There was also a woman who had a disease who said to herself, if i just touch His garments I will be made well.  And through her faith she has made well and Jesus said this also.  A ruler of the synagogue also came to Him because his daughter was near death and Jesus also healed her.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Mark 4

In Mark 4 people ask Jesus why He uses parables.  He explains, "To you has been given the secret of the kingdom of God, but for those outside everything is parables, so that they may indeed see but not perceive, and may indeed hear but not understand, lest they should turn and be forgiven."
God has blessed those with Him in that we hear and understand the meaning of these parables, they are not just stories.  Those however that are not in Christ, hear the story, but do not understand.  They miss the meaning and the lesson of each story.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

5 x 5 Bible Reading Plan

5x5x5 Bible Reading Plan
Read through the New Testament in a year, reading Monday to Friday. Weekends are set aside for reflection and other reading. Especially beneficial if you’re new to a daily discipline of Bible reading.

This is the Bible reading plan we will be reading. This week we will read through Mark 6.
Please join us - and spread the word!

Mark 3

I believe we tend to forget the importance of the disciples.  In Mark 3 we see Jesus choose twelve men.  By this time many were following Him, but Jesus picks only twelve.  Also, we see just how early in Jesus' ministry that the Pharisees seek to destroy Him.  In the very beginning of the chapter Jesus heals a man on the Sabbath and the Pharisees hold counsel on how to destroy Him.  Another notable situation is that in verses 11-12 it says that when the unclean spirits saw Him they fell and said you are the Son of God and Jesus told them not to make Him know.  God had a plan and it was not the time to reveal yet to man who Jesus was.   

Monday, January 12, 2015

Mark 2

Mark 2.  In Mark 2 we see Jesus really show His divinity.  He heals and  tells a man "Your sins are forgiven".  When the scribes were questioning Him in their hearts he answered their questions.  Jesus also referred to Himself as the Son of Man multiple times.  One of the most profound statements He says in Mark 2 is, "So the Son of Man is lord even of the sabbath.

In this chapter Jesus leaves no question as to who is is.  No mere man would claim such things.  What man is lord of the Sabbath, can forgive sins, and make the lame walk?  No man can, but Jesus was no man.  Jesus, was the Son of God.   

Friday, January 9, 2015

Mark 1

Mark 1 has about 9 subsections.  Mark starts will John the Baptist  preparing the way for Christ through teaching and baptism.  Then John baptizes Jesus.  After that we only a few verses about Jesus going out into the wilderness and being tempted by the devil.  When He comes out of the wilderness is when Jesus begins his ministry.  From their he calls Simon, Andrew, James, and John as His disciples.  Jesus travled to many places with His disciples precision the Gospel.  While they were in Capernaum and Jesus was teaching in the synagogue, a man with an unclean spirit approached Him and said, "What have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth?  Have you come to destroy us?  I know who you are- the Holy One of God."  Jesus hen proceeds to rebuked the man and cast out his demon.  The people then began to wonder at Him for He taught with authority and the evil spirit obeyed him.  Later while in the house of His disciples Simon and Andrew, He healed Simon's mother in-law of a fever and she immediately began to serve them.  That night many sick and possessed came to the house and were healed.  Jesus and his Disciples left the day to preach in the other towns.  At a later time, a leper came to Jesus and begged to be healed.  He healed him and charged him not to tell anyone, but the man went and spoke of what was done for him so Jesus' fame spread.