Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Mark 3

I believe we tend to forget the importance of the disciples.  In Mark 3 we see Jesus choose twelve men.  By this time many were following Him, but Jesus picks only twelve.  Also, we see just how early in Jesus' ministry that the Pharisees seek to destroy Him.  In the very beginning of the chapter Jesus heals a man on the Sabbath and the Pharisees hold counsel on how to destroy Him.  Another notable situation is that in verses 11-12 it says that when the unclean spirits saw Him they fell and said you are the Son of God and Jesus told them not to make Him know.  God had a plan and it was not the time to reveal yet to man who Jesus was.   

1 comment:

  1. Jesus looked at them with ANGER. He was grieved at their hardness of heart. Father, help me to distinguish between righteous anger and sin, between being grieving and being selfish. Give me a pure heart like Jesus.

    Jesus told the man to “stretch out his hand.” When he obeyed, he was healed. We have to OBEY. Our obedience comes from our faith and it demonstrates our faith. Father, give me the faith that leads me to obey You in all things, to trust YOU completely.

    The crowds were following Him because they wanted to be healed. Is this wrong? It makes me think of the times we give food or playtime to the kids who NEED tutoring and Bible study. They don’t WANT the tutoring and Bible study, but they need it. They WANT the food and playtime and come for that and in exchange they get both. How does God feel about that?

    v. 11-12 “Whenever the unclean spirits saw Him, they fell down before Him and cried out, “You are the Son of God.” And He strictly ordered them not to make Him known.” Once again, the demons know Him. Once again, they must obey Him. And yet, they are condemned. They do not have the faith that saves. Saving faith is a willing faith.

    Jesus went up on the mountain and CALLED to Him those He desired and they CAME. Jesus calls us and we must obey Him willingly. This is the first step of faith.

    He appointed twelve so (1) they might be WITH Him, (2) He might send them OUT to preach, and (3) so they would have authority to cast out demons (and heal diseases in KJV). I see in this that Jesus wants it ALL – He wants me WITH Him, sitting at His feet, fellowshipping with Him; and He wants me to be His mouthpiece, going out into the world preaching the gospel; and He wants me to serve Him in awesome ways that He would be glorified. (Reminds me of the 1 Peter 4:10-11 passage about speaking and serving. )

    v. 21 – Jesus’ family thinks “He’s out of His mind.” Later in verse 31 His family and brothers came and called to Him to come out, but He refuses. Is it because of their unbelief that He refuses … because they think He’s crazy? Who in Jesus’ family is verse 21 referring to? Is it Mary and his brothers? I wonder what exactly made them think He’s “out of His mind.” It reminds me that the people in Nazareth didn’t believe Jesus – they knew Him growing up. How does this impact my own experience as I’ve become a Christ follower and gospel preacher?
