Monday, January 19, 2015

Mark 8

What I find most interesting about Mark 8 is how the disciples go between being spiritually blind, to seeing, how they keep changing, wavering.  The disciples were worried about the amount of bread they had and Jesus takes the opportunity to tell them to beware the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod.  The disciples continue to discuss the fact that they had no bread.  Jesus by this time has fed five thousand with five loaves and two fish, and there was left overs, and again fed four thousand with seven loaves and a few fish, and once again, there were left overs.  Do the disciples really think that Jesus will not provide?  But how often do we as Christians do the same?  We see God provide, and yet we continue to worry.  Later in the chapter Peter confesses that Jesus is Christ.  Here is where we see some inconsistencies with the disciples.  They worry about bread, but will confess the man they are with as God.  

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