Monday, January 12, 2015

Mark 2

Mark 2.  In Mark 2 we see Jesus really show His divinity.  He heals and  tells a man "Your sins are forgiven".  When the scribes were questioning Him in their hearts he answered their questions.  Jesus also referred to Himself as the Son of Man multiple times.  One of the most profound statements He says in Mark 2 is, "So the Son of Man is lord even of the sabbath.

In this chapter Jesus leaves no question as to who is is.  No mere man would claim such things.  What man is lord of the Sabbath, can forgive sins, and make the lame walk?  No man can, but Jesus was no man.  Jesus, was the Son of God.   

1 comment:

  1. The scribes of the Pharisees didn’t like Jesus eating with “tax collectors and sinners.” Am I like that? Do I look down on those who reach out to sinners? Am I self-righteous? Jesus came to save sinners. Yet, we are to be careful who we keep company with. “The companion of fools will suffer harm” – Proverbs 13:20. Jesus can withstand that temptation, but what about us? Clearly this is something that needs to be spiritually discerned and has no one-size-fits-all answer.

    The paralytic when he was healed obeyed immediately. Once again – immediately is a key word. Once again, God expects obedience.

    The people were all amazed and glorified God! They recognized this was a miracle from God – not from a man.

    Jesus refers to Himself as “the Son of Man.” Humility!

    v. 5 “When Jesus saw their FAITH,” He forgave his sins. I am reminded that without faith it is impossible to please God. It is by grace through FAITH that we are saved! Thank God for the gift of faith. Being saved for eternity is so much more important than being healed during our time here on earth.
