Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Acts 20

When Paul left the people he was with to leave on another journey he didnt just say hey m leaving see you later.  He wept, prayed, and ministered to them.  They weren't just more people in the crowd to preach to, he treated the people as our own.  That is how we are to share the Gospel with others, like they are our on.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Acts 19

There seven sons of a high priests saw that Paul was healing and casting out demons, even a cloth that touched him could be brought to the sick and they were healed.  These sons then tried to cast out a spirit by saying, "I adjure you by the Jesus whom Paul proclaims."  The spirit then replied, "Jesus I know, and Paul I recognize, but who are you?"  The man then attacked and overpowered the brothers.  We must beware for not every one who teaches with Jesus' name is a follower.  those brothers were wolves in sheep's clothing.   

Acts 18

In this chapter and throughout the entire book we see Paul travel everywhere.  Where he is called he goes without hesitation.  Paul went from the biggest persecutor of Christians to following and obeying Christ without hesitation.  Never once do we see him question where is supposed to travel to.  Alot of times we are afraid pf going new places and sharing the Gospel.  When this fear comes, remember Paul and his unwavering spirit.

Acts 17

What I found the most important in this chapter is the story of Paul in Athens.  He goes and sees that they serve many gods, have idols, and even have an alter to "the unknown god".  When Paul explained who this unknown god was he told them it was Jesus ans that He created everything.  Alot of times people know that there is a reason for what they see, but don't know until someone explains what it is do they understand.  We always need to be bold and share our faith, for you never know who is seeking.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Acts 16

Acts 16 is when Paul and Timothy meet for the first time.  Also in the chapter Paul ands Silas were meet and followed by a girl who was posessed by a spirit and told fortunes to make money for her owners.  She followed them crying out that they were servents of the Most High and were proclaiming the way of salvation.  After a time Paul turns to her and commands the spirit to leave her and it does.  When her owners see that she no longer can tell fortunes they seize Paul and Silas and have them thrown in prision.while they were in prision there was an earthquake and the doors to the prision were opened and the shackes fell from them.  When the jailer saw this he drew his sword to kill himself, but Pau;l cried out telling him that they were still there.  The jailer and his famikly were saved.  Even in the most diffucult of circumstancees they preched the Gospel and completely trusted God.  

Friday, February 13, 2015

Acts 12

In Acts 12 king Herod kills James and imprisons Peter.  The night before Herod was going to bring out Peter and kill him, the Lord sent an angle to Peter who led him out of the prison.  When Peter realized that it was not a vision and he was actually free He went to the house of Mary the mother of John who was also known as Mark.  One day when Herod was giving an oration to the people the people cried out that it was not the voice of a man speaking, but the voice of a God.  Because he did not give the glory to God, an angle struck him down and he died.  Herod was proud and took the praises that are meant for God, for himself.

Acts 11

In Acts 11 some members of the church questioned Peter on why he went with the Gentiles and ate with them.  Peter then explained the vision he had from God about bring the word to the Gentiles.  The people then glorified God for bring the word to the Gentiles.  We should be excited about sharing the Gospel and bringing it to others as the disciples were about taking it to all people.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Acts 9

Acts 9 is the story of the transformation of Soul to Paul.  Saul was in charge of hunting down Christians and putting them in prison.  While on the road to Damascus a light from heaven shone and a voice asked why Saul was persecuting Him.  He realized that it was the Lord and asked who He was.  The voice answered that He was Jesus.  He was left blinded by the experience so he was led into the city and stayed at a house until a man named Ananias came and laid his hands and prayed for Saul's sight to be returned. Saul immediately started to proclaim Jesus as the Son of God.  Paul went on to be on e of the greatest followers of God.  God can use whatever and whomever to bring Him glory.  God took one of the biggest enemies of Christians in those days and changed him and he became one of his biggest tools in turning people to God.

Acts 8

Acts 8 really has two important stories in it.  the first is about Simon the magician.  He for many years practiced magic in the city proclaiming himself to be someone great.  When the gospel was brought to his city many believed and were baptized, even himself.  He then traveled with Philip and saw many signs and miracles and was amazed.Peter and John came to the city and prayed and laid hands on the believers that they would receive the Spirit.  When Simon the magician saw this he brought money to Peter they he would also be able to have the Spirit.  Peter told him that his money may perish with him for you cannot buy the gift of God with money.  You matter how much money you give to your church or to charities, you will not get yourself any closer to God.  No matter how good you try to be, we will not get yourself any closer to God.  That brings us to the next story.  Philip joins an Ethiopian eunuch in his chariot and hears that he his reading from the prophet Isaiah.  Philip asks the man if we understands what eh is reading and the man says no.  Philip then explains the passage and shares the gospel with the man.  When he finishes the man asks what keeps him from being baptized for they are passing water.  The chariot stops and Philip baptizes the man.  It is only through faith that we gain the gift of God.      

Acts 7

Acts 7 rides right on the back of chapter 6.  Stephan is on trial and begins to speak of the past things God has done and of the present events of them killing Jesus.  The people become so angry that they cast him out of the city and stoned him.  Even as they stoned him Stephan did not waver, he even asked the Lord not to hold this sin against them!  How often do we wish bad upon our enemies or that they be punished.  However, the Bible tells us to pray for and love our enemies, Stephan was a great example of that.

Acts 6

In Acts 6 a complaint was made that the disciples were neglecting the widows.  The twelve then summoned all the disciples and chose seven to go out to take care of the widows.  While doing this a young man named Stephen was seized on false accounts of blasphemy.

Acts 5

Acts 5 begins with the story of Ananias and Sapphira.  They sold some property and brought part of the money to the disciples claim it to be all the money from the sale of the property.  They both died from the deception that spoke.  Our sin will be found out if not by man, by God and you will have to answer for it.  Later in the chapter the apostles were imprisoned by the high priest for healing and doing things in the name of Jesus and spreading the gospel.  When the high priest called for the apostles the next day they were not found in prison.  God had set them free.  The apostles were found teaching in the temple and the guards brought them before the counsel.  The high priest asked them why they continue preaching when they had told them not to.  Peter answered that they should obey God rather than man.  If we had such boldness in the face of trial.  The apostles were beaten and then set free, but they rejoiced that they had beaten for Christ.  Alot of times we complain when we suffer for Christ, yet these men were rejoicing that they were worthy to suffer for His name.     

Acts 10

Acts 10 is when the Gentiles are given the word and spirit.  Before Acts 10 the Gospel had been taught to only the Jews.  Only Jew had become Christians and received the Spirit.  The Lord sent a vision to Peter and in the vision a sheet has let down from heaven with all kinds of animals.  The Lord told Peter to kill and eat.  Peter then answered the Lord that he had never eaten anything unclean or uncommon, this happened three times.  What this meant was that the gospel was for all people of the earth, Jew and Gentile.  So Peter went out and taught the Gentiles, they believed and received the Spirit.  That is the true fulfillment of the great commission, to all people of all nations.   

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Acts 4

Acts 4 starts with Peter and John teaching in the temple.  The priests, the captain of the temple, and the Sadducees came and took Peter and Paul away and put them before the council of the priests.  They saw that the lame man was healed and asked by who authority they did it by.  Peter was filled with boldness and told them the man was healed through Jesus Christ whom they killed and was again raised by the Father.  The council could not find any grounds on which to punish them so they threatened Peter and John and charged them not to speak of Jesus to anyone.  Peter replied to them that they would continue to speak of Jesus.  The other believers were praying for boldness, as should we.  To have such boldness in the face of opposition, that is a way to follow in and become more like Jesus.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Acts 3

Acts 3 starts with Peter and John on their way into the temple.  Before they entered, a lame beggar asked for alms from them.  Peter told the man that he had no silver or gold, but what the did have he would give to him.  Peter then healed the man.  The beggar walked into the temple with Peter and John and the people were astonished and ran to the temple.  Peter saw this and began to preach the gospel to the people.  He seized the opportunity.  We most likely will never heal a man who cant walk, but we do have the ability to preach the gospel when given the opportunity.  When you are with a group of people and they are all introducing themselves, there is an opportunity.  When the conversation is about things of the creation there is an opportunity.  Like Peter, when we have the opportunity to share the gospel, we need to grab and run with it.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Acts 2

Acts 2 begins with the coming of the Holy Spirit.  Its says that it came with the sound of a mighty rushing wind and tongues that appeared like fire rested upon them.  The people had gather in a house and they were from all places of the earth, bu when they began to speak they all understood each other for each man hear in his own language.  Peter then stood and taught to the people present.  He preached the gospel of Jesus Christ and 3,000 were saved that day.  This was the beginning of the ministry of the disciples. 

Monday, February 2, 2015

Acts 1

Though Acts has two chapters separating it from Mark, the first chapter begins right where mark left off.  Jesus is with His disciples and He promises the Holy Spirit.  They then went with the Lord and watched as He ascended into heaven.  What is interesting is that the next thing they do after then return to Jerusalem is to replace Judas.  The disciples were still the 12, but the company of men was about 120.  How important could it be to find one guy to replay Judas?  Obviously if Jesus had chosen twelve, so would the disciples.  Perhaps for the twelve tribes of Israel?  Did the disciples maybe think this?  This is the beginning of the disciples real ministry.  Jesus walked, taught, and healed in their presents.  Now it is their turn.