Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Acts 9

Acts 9 is the story of the transformation of Soul to Paul.  Saul was in charge of hunting down Christians and putting them in prison.  While on the road to Damascus a light from heaven shone and a voice asked why Saul was persecuting Him.  He realized that it was the Lord and asked who He was.  The voice answered that He was Jesus.  He was left blinded by the experience so he was led into the city and stayed at a house until a man named Ananias came and laid his hands and prayed for Saul's sight to be returned. Saul immediately started to proclaim Jesus as the Son of God.  Paul went on to be on e of the greatest followers of God.  God can use whatever and whomever to bring Him glory.  God took one of the biggest enemies of Christians in those days and changed him and he became one of his biggest tools in turning people to God.

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