Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Acts 16

Acts 16 is when Paul and Timothy meet for the first time.  Also in the chapter Paul ands Silas were meet and followed by a girl who was posessed by a spirit and told fortunes to make money for her owners.  She followed them crying out that they were servents of the Most High and were proclaiming the way of salvation.  After a time Paul turns to her and commands the spirit to leave her and it does.  When her owners see that she no longer can tell fortunes they seize Paul and Silas and have them thrown in prision.while they were in prision there was an earthquake and the doors to the prision were opened and the shackes fell from them.  When the jailer saw this he drew his sword to kill himself, but Pau;l cried out telling him that they were still there.  The jailer and his famikly were saved.  Even in the most diffucult of circumstancees they preched the Gospel and completely trusted God.  

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