Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Acts 8

Acts 8 really has two important stories in it.  the first is about Simon the magician.  He for many years practiced magic in the city proclaiming himself to be someone great.  When the gospel was brought to his city many believed and were baptized, even himself.  He then traveled with Philip and saw many signs and miracles and was amazed.Peter and John came to the city and prayed and laid hands on the believers that they would receive the Spirit.  When Simon the magician saw this he brought money to Peter they he would also be able to have the Spirit.  Peter told him that his money may perish with him for you cannot buy the gift of God with money.  You matter how much money you give to your church or to charities, you will not get yourself any closer to God.  No matter how good you try to be, we will not get yourself any closer to God.  That brings us to the next story.  Philip joins an Ethiopian eunuch in his chariot and hears that he his reading from the prophet Isaiah.  Philip asks the man if we understands what eh is reading and the man says no.  Philip then explains the passage and shares the gospel with the man.  When he finishes the man asks what keeps him from being baptized for they are passing water.  The chariot stops and Philip baptizes the man.  It is only through faith that we gain the gift of God.      

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