Thursday, May 21, 2015

Matthew 5

Matthew 5 is the sermon on the mount and the beatitudes.  In the chapter it says
14 “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that[b] they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven." We are to be bold for Christ and not be afraid to share and live the gospel to those around us.  Alot of times its we ourselves who snuff out the light and not those around us, we must keep our light burning.

Matthew 4

We do not have a God who cannot sympathize with our weakness, who doses not know our struggles, one who is un-knowledgeable about our lives.  For forty days Jesus was in the wilderness and he was tempted by the devil and he was hungry.  He knows what it is to be hungry and tempted.  But he did not give in.  He stood against the devil by quoting scripture back to him.  In times of trial we should turn to scripture, it our handbook, our guidebook, that God has given us.  Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.  Jesus fulfills a prophesy spoken by Isaiah by going into the territory of Zebulun and Naphtali and teaching repentance.  Matthew 4 is also when Jesus calls his first disciples, Peter and Andrew. 

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Matthew 3

The fulfillment of a prophesy starts chapter 3.  John the Baptist came from the wilderness preaching repentance to fulfill what the prophet Isiah prophesied.  When John was baptizing he saw the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to his baptism and said that every tree that does not bear fruit will be cut down and thrown in the fire.  He humbled himself by saying that he only baptized with water, but one greater than him would baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire.  When Jesus came to be baptized John at first said no for Jesus should be baptizing him and not John baptizing Jesus.  John did baptize Jesus and when he did the heavens opened up and the Spirit of God descended on Jesus like and dove and a voice said that this was his son in whom he was well pleased.   

Monday, May 18, 2015

Matthew 2

Matthew 2 is when the birth actually happens.  Wise men sent by Herod came to Mary and Joseph and presented gifts to Jesus.  The wise men were warned in a dream not to return to Herod and they did not, then each went back to their homes.  After they wise men had come Joseph had a dream and was told to flee into Egypt.  Joseph took Mary and Jesus and went into Egypt.  Herod was angry that the wise men did not return to him so he ordered that all males two and under should be killed in Bethlehem.  When Herod died and angel told Joseph in a dream to return to Israel.  Joseph and Mary took Jesus to Nazareth.  From the beginning prophesies were being fulfilled.  It was prophesied that a ruler would come from Bethlehem.  It was prophesied that Jesus should come out of Egypt.  It was prophesied that the children would be killed.  It was prophesied that He would be called a Nazarene.     

Matthew 1

Matthew 1 begins with the genealogy of Jesus.  From Abraham to Jesus there are 42 generations. Matthew then goes into the birth of Jesus.  Before the marriage of Joseph and Mary, Mary was found to be with child.  In those times that was absolutely unacceptable.  So as not to put Mary to shame Joseph was going to divorce her quietly.  He was visited by and angel in a dream and was told that the child was from the spirit, and he did not divorce her.  He obeyed the Lord.

James 5

James five starts with a condemning of the rich of that time.  Next is the encouragement to be patient and steadfast through suffering.  James five then urges us to pray and pray in all things at all times.

Jammes 4

James 4 is a warning against worldliness.  It is what causes strife among us.  It is the exact opposite of what we should have, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and self control.  And how can we boast about tomorrow?  For all we know, we could die the next moment.  

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

James 3

The tongue, it can set others aflame with the holy fire of heaven or with the consuming fires of hell.  Our words are powerful, they have the power to bind, to set free, to crush, to lift, to condemn, and to forgive.  We must take care for what we say.  After shedding light on the tongue James then talks about wisdom, worldly vs wisdom from above. From earthly wisdom abounds jealously, selfish ambition, disorder and evil practices.  From Heavenly wisdom abounds peace, gentleness ,openness, mercy, and good fruit.

Monday, May 11, 2015

James 2

James starts with a message that we should show no partiality.  Rich, poor, man, or women; it doesn't matter we should love and serve them alike.  After that we hear that faith is dead without works.  If we say we have faith but bear no fruit what good is that faith.  If we have works, but have no faith to drive those works what good do they do? Faith and works must be put together, they walk hand in hand.  They need each other.  They both support each other.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

James 1

James tells us that we should rejoice when we face trials for it is the testing of our faith and will produce steadfastness.  For how easy is it to praise God when things our going well?  When things go south however, its not always so easy.  He then goes on to tell us the difference of hearing and doing the word.  That we should be doers and not just hearers.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Galatians 6

In the closing of this book Paul ends with imploring us to bear on another's burden and reminds us that we shall reap what we sow.  Paul also says that there is nothing that he can boast in other than Christ, but that shouldn't just be him, that extends to all of us.  We should not boast in what we can do, but what is in us.  For what has more honor, a house or its builder?

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Galatians 5

Galatians 5 Starts with that Christ has set us free.We no longer are slaves!  Christ has called us into freedom.  In that freedom however, we need to walk by the spirit.  We hear when it calls and we should follow.  When we follow the spirit we will have desires of the spirit and not of the flesh.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Galatians 4

Galatians 4 Starts out with that we are sons and heirs and no longer slaves.  After that Paul speaks about his concern for the Galatians.  When he first came to them they would have done anything for him, but it seems that now they have gone back to the way they were.  He then give an example of Hagar and Sarah and the children of them.  Those who are in Christ are free children and not the children of a slave.  Only those who are free will inherit eternal life and a place with the Lord.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Galatians 3

Galatians 3 continues to talk about being saved by faith and not by works.  It is not through the law we are saved by Faith in Jesus.  We need to remember that.  Alot of times it becomes a competition of who is better.  At times it is better if we do the world a favor and keep our self-righteous mouths shut, for it is by grace we are saved.  There is no way for us to ever earn a spot in heaven.  "The righteous shall live by faith" the chapter later says.  We are not to lean on our own understanding.

Galatians 2

Galatians2 starts with Paul continuing to talk about him being accepted by the apostles.  Paul was a bold man and we see him in this chapter as a newer Christian confront Peter, yes Peter the rock.  Paul as a new Christian is not afraid to speak up for what is right, even when it is against one who is considered the leader.  How often do we who are not new in our faith afraid to stand up or speak out.  the reason we can do this is because of our faith, as in the chapter it later tells us we are justified by faith and NOT by works.  

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Galatians 1

Paul is the writer of Galatians and he opens the book with greeting.  He then goes to warn them about other gospels being preached.  That is still a VERY relevant warning today, maybe even more so.  We need to always be aware of what we are being taught.  After his warning he gives them a short version of his conversion and the power of Christ in his life. 

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Hebrews 13

Hebrews 13 is the last chapter of Hebrews.  In it were are encouraged to become a sacrifice that is pleasing to God.  That is the road of sanctification.  Sanctification is becoming more like Christ.  Christ was the perfect sacrifice.  We are to become a sacrifice also, like Jesus was.  The writer then ends the chapter with asking God to equip us for the good works he has prepared for us.   

Monday, April 20, 2015

Hebrews 12

Hebrews 12 begins with encouragement not to grow weary, to press on and continue in the faith.  It then go on to tell us why, so we can be a part of a kingdom that will not be shaken.  Jesus will rule forever and there is nothing and no one who can take it from Him.  The kingdom will be built on something that will not break, shake, or fade, Jesus.  So we are to persevere and look forward to what is to come.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Hebrews 11

Hebrews 11 is all about faith.  The chapter talks about different men and the faith the had in God.  For every name it starts, " by faith Abel, by faith, Noah, by faith Abraham, by faith Moses, and so on".  We are to walk by faith and not by sight, by faith and not our own understanding. 

Romans 1:17  For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith, as it is written, “The righteous shall live by faith.”

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Hebrews 10

In the Old Testament, the people must give different sacrifices in different situations and they would need to make them again later.  These sacrifices also were only for the Hebrew people.  Christ's sacrifice covered over all the sins, was needed only once, and was for all people.  Before Christ died, only the high priest could go into the holy of holies.  Now, we can all come before God in prayer, Christ sacrifice was and is superior.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Hebrews 9

When talking about redemption through Jesus' blood verses 15-16 says, "Therefore he is the mediator of a new covenant, so that those who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance, since a death has occurred that redeems them from the transgressions committed under the first covenant.  For where a will is involved, the death of the one who made it must be established."  When a will is involved there is one who receives it, one who dies to pass it on, and one who bestows the will.  Jesus is not only the one who dies , but He is also the one who bestows that will.  It is through Him we are redeemed.  Unlike the earthly sacrifices Jesus need only to die once where as the earthly sacrifices needed to given over and over.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Hebrews 8

Hebrews 8 continues on Jesus being a great high priest.  Not only is He a greater high priest, but He is a priest to a greater covenant.  The eternal salvation of all people!  He is the last, only, and ultimate sacrifice. The earthly priests are just a mirror of the heavenly high priest.  Jesus is the sacrifice and the the salvation at the same time.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Hebrews 7

Hebrews 7 goes back into the "Jesus is greater" we saw earlier.  Melchizedek was such a great high priest that Abraham actually gave him a tenth part of all the spoils.  He was not descended from Abraham and yet Abraham honored him.  It seems that Melchizedek was the closest thing to perfect that man came.  There are 42 verses pertaining to this man and yet, the chapter then says Jesus is greater.  Jesus was perfection, he was the final sacrifice.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Hebrews 6

Hebrews 6 speaks of the certainty of God's promises.  It is impossible for God to back on what he has said, impossible to lie.  Therefore, whatever God has said we can trust.  He never has gone against His word and he never will.  "So when God desired to show more convincingly to the heirs of the promise the unchangeable character of his purpose, he guaranteed it with an oath, 18 so that by two unchangeable things, in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled for refuge might have strong encouragement to hold fast to the hope set before us." Hebrews 6:17-18 

Friday, March 27, 2015

Hebrews 5

In Hebrews 5 there is a warning against apostasy.  In it talks about the milk and solid food of spirituality.  Sometimes we need to go back to the milk, go back to the basics.  When we go back to the simplest of truths we gain understanding into what would be more solid food.

Hebrews 4

Those who are not in Christ will not enter His rest.  An interesting quote from the chapter is "For good news came to us just as to them, but the message they heard did not benefit them, because they were not united by faith with those who listened."  Those who are united in faith hear, understand, and obey. 

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Hebrews 3

Hebrews 3 is about Jesus being greater than Moses.  He has more glory than Moses because the builder of the house has more glory than the house.  Moses was faithful as a Servant In God's house, but Jesus was faithful Over God's house as a Son.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Hebrews 2

Hebrews 2 is about the founder of our salvation.  The one who created all and is perfect came as a man and through perfect suffering sanctified us.  He conquered death and that is a testament to the promise that in the end he will conquer the one who has been given the power of death, the devil.

Hebrews 1

Hebrews 1 is about the supremacy of Jesus.  Jesus had the glory of the father,  made a purification for sins, and sat at the right hand of the Father.  He is superior to angels for God never said to one of His angels, "You are my Son, today I have begotten you" "I will be to him a father, and he shall be to me a son" "Let all the God's angels worship him" "He makes his angels winds, and his ministers a flame of fire".  Jesus' throne and power will be forever, the Son is greater than all the angels.   

Friday, March 6, 2015

Acts 28

When Paul and the others make there way ashore the islanders welcome them.  Paul had gather wood for a fire and a viper slithered out from among the wood and took hold of his arm.  The islanders watch as Paul then simply shook of the snake into the fire.  They said among themselves that he must be a murderer and he has now had justice catch up to him.  They awaited the abrupt death of Paul, but it never came.  God had much yet for Paul to do.  After three months they could finally leave the island and make there way to Rome.  When in Rome he gathered together the Jewish leaders and expressed to them his case.  More importantly though he also went on to speak about Christ.  Some believe, but some continued to disregard his words.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Acts 27

Acts 27 is the story of Paul's adventure at sea.  While on the journey the seas became rough, the winds strong, and darkness prevailed.  Though the situation seemed hopeless Paul stood among those on the ship on told them he had been visited by an angel of the Lord and said that he must stand before Caesar.  To lighten the load men started to throw things from the ship in hope that it would save them from the sea.  Night eventually lifted and they saw land.  The centurion in charge of Paul ordered that all who could swim to jump into the water and head for land, the others should find a piece of wood and head to the land.  God has continued to save Paul.  Though Paul doesn't not know what plan God has for him he is willingly following.

Acts 26

In Acts 26 Paul's case is put before king Agrippa.  Paul first explains the charges brought against him and then he recounts his story of conversion.  Agrippa asks Paul if he was in a short time trying to persuade he to become a Christian.  Paul answers that whether it be over a short time or a long time that he wished that all who had heard him that day would accept Christ.  After all this transpires the king tells Festus that if Paul had not appealed to Caesar he would be set free.  Paul is absolutely relentless in spreading the Gospel.  Even when "the matter at hand" is his current imprisonment Paul makes the Gospel his point.  

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Acts 25

Paul's journey of "court cases" continues in Acts 25.  Paul is standing before Festus and appeals his case to Caesar and Fetus accepts his request.  Before he goes before Cesar however, the king Agrippa wants to hear Paul's case, Festus obliges. Paul once again tells his story and shares the gospel to these people.  He also makes a point of his innocence.  Paul every time uses his opportunity to present the Gospel, shouldn't we?

Monday, March 2, 2015

Acts 24

Flex brought Paul into his presence to learn what was being brought against him.  After Paul related his story, Felix told Paul that his case would be later decided.  Felix was succeed by another governor and Paul was left in prison.

Acts 23

Paul was then put before a counsel and questioned.  The counsel was made up of Pharisees and Sadducees, Paul seeing this expressed that he was once like them.  An argument broke out among the two sides of the counsel and Paul was removed from them.  A group of Jews planned to kill Paul, but their plan was found out and Paul was sent to a governor named Felix under heavy guard.  When he learned that Paul was a Roman citizen he said he would see him when his accusers came.

Acts 22

Before he is taken from the presence of the people Paul tells his story and proclaims Jesus.  The people become further angered and the soldiers take him away.  Paul was then about to be beat by the Roman soldiers when he told them he was Roman citizen.  They then became afraid for he was a Roman citizen and they had bound him.

Acts 21

In Acts 21 Paul is warned by a prophet that he will be bound when in Jerusalem.  When other heard this they urged Paul not to go to Jerusalem, but Paul would not be swayed.  He made his way to Jerusalem and taught the word with the knowledge of the prophesy against himself.  During this time the people rose up against him and he was arrested.  Paul knew this would happen and yet He still went.  He followed what the Lord had told him, even though he knew what would come.  At times we know what our call is, but are afraid of what will happen to us when we share the Gospel,whether it be physical harm or not.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Acts 20

When Paul left the people he was with to leave on another journey he didnt just say hey m leaving see you later.  He wept, prayed, and ministered to them.  They weren't just more people in the crowd to preach to, he treated the people as our own.  That is how we are to share the Gospel with others, like they are our on.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Acts 19

There seven sons of a high priests saw that Paul was healing and casting out demons, even a cloth that touched him could be brought to the sick and they were healed.  These sons then tried to cast out a spirit by saying, "I adjure you by the Jesus whom Paul proclaims."  The spirit then replied, "Jesus I know, and Paul I recognize, but who are you?"  The man then attacked and overpowered the brothers.  We must beware for not every one who teaches with Jesus' name is a follower.  those brothers were wolves in sheep's clothing.   

Acts 18

In this chapter and throughout the entire book we see Paul travel everywhere.  Where he is called he goes without hesitation.  Paul went from the biggest persecutor of Christians to following and obeying Christ without hesitation.  Never once do we see him question where is supposed to travel to.  Alot of times we are afraid pf going new places and sharing the Gospel.  When this fear comes, remember Paul and his unwavering spirit.

Acts 17

What I found the most important in this chapter is the story of Paul in Athens.  He goes and sees that they serve many gods, have idols, and even have an alter to "the unknown god".  When Paul explained who this unknown god was he told them it was Jesus ans that He created everything.  Alot of times people know that there is a reason for what they see, but don't know until someone explains what it is do they understand.  We always need to be bold and share our faith, for you never know who is seeking.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Acts 16

Acts 16 is when Paul and Timothy meet for the first time.  Also in the chapter Paul ands Silas were meet and followed by a girl who was posessed by a spirit and told fortunes to make money for her owners.  She followed them crying out that they were servents of the Most High and were proclaiming the way of salvation.  After a time Paul turns to her and commands the spirit to leave her and it does.  When her owners see that she no longer can tell fortunes they seize Paul and Silas and have them thrown in prision.while they were in prision there was an earthquake and the doors to the prision were opened and the shackes fell from them.  When the jailer saw this he drew his sword to kill himself, but Pau;l cried out telling him that they were still there.  The jailer and his famikly were saved.  Even in the most diffucult of circumstancees they preched the Gospel and completely trusted God.  

Friday, February 13, 2015

Acts 12

In Acts 12 king Herod kills James and imprisons Peter.  The night before Herod was going to bring out Peter and kill him, the Lord sent an angle to Peter who led him out of the prison.  When Peter realized that it was not a vision and he was actually free He went to the house of Mary the mother of John who was also known as Mark.  One day when Herod was giving an oration to the people the people cried out that it was not the voice of a man speaking, but the voice of a God.  Because he did not give the glory to God, an angle struck him down and he died.  Herod was proud and took the praises that are meant for God, for himself.

Acts 11

In Acts 11 some members of the church questioned Peter on why he went with the Gentiles and ate with them.  Peter then explained the vision he had from God about bring the word to the Gentiles.  The people then glorified God for bring the word to the Gentiles.  We should be excited about sharing the Gospel and bringing it to others as the disciples were about taking it to all people.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Acts 9

Acts 9 is the story of the transformation of Soul to Paul.  Saul was in charge of hunting down Christians and putting them in prison.  While on the road to Damascus a light from heaven shone and a voice asked why Saul was persecuting Him.  He realized that it was the Lord and asked who He was.  The voice answered that He was Jesus.  He was left blinded by the experience so he was led into the city and stayed at a house until a man named Ananias came and laid his hands and prayed for Saul's sight to be returned. Saul immediately started to proclaim Jesus as the Son of God.  Paul went on to be on e of the greatest followers of God.  God can use whatever and whomever to bring Him glory.  God took one of the biggest enemies of Christians in those days and changed him and he became one of his biggest tools in turning people to God.

Acts 8

Acts 8 really has two important stories in it.  the first is about Simon the magician.  He for many years practiced magic in the city proclaiming himself to be someone great.  When the gospel was brought to his city many believed and were baptized, even himself.  He then traveled with Philip and saw many signs and miracles and was amazed.Peter and John came to the city and prayed and laid hands on the believers that they would receive the Spirit.  When Simon the magician saw this he brought money to Peter they he would also be able to have the Spirit.  Peter told him that his money may perish with him for you cannot buy the gift of God with money.  You matter how much money you give to your church or to charities, you will not get yourself any closer to God.  No matter how good you try to be, we will not get yourself any closer to God.  That brings us to the next story.  Philip joins an Ethiopian eunuch in his chariot and hears that he his reading from the prophet Isaiah.  Philip asks the man if we understands what eh is reading and the man says no.  Philip then explains the passage and shares the gospel with the man.  When he finishes the man asks what keeps him from being baptized for they are passing water.  The chariot stops and Philip baptizes the man.  It is only through faith that we gain the gift of God.      

Acts 7

Acts 7 rides right on the back of chapter 6.  Stephan is on trial and begins to speak of the past things God has done and of the present events of them killing Jesus.  The people become so angry that they cast him out of the city and stoned him.  Even as they stoned him Stephan did not waver, he even asked the Lord not to hold this sin against them!  How often do we wish bad upon our enemies or that they be punished.  However, the Bible tells us to pray for and love our enemies, Stephan was a great example of that.

Acts 6

In Acts 6 a complaint was made that the disciples were neglecting the widows.  The twelve then summoned all the disciples and chose seven to go out to take care of the widows.  While doing this a young man named Stephen was seized on false accounts of blasphemy.

Acts 5

Acts 5 begins with the story of Ananias and Sapphira.  They sold some property and brought part of the money to the disciples claim it to be all the money from the sale of the property.  They both died from the deception that spoke.  Our sin will be found out if not by man, by God and you will have to answer for it.  Later in the chapter the apostles were imprisoned by the high priest for healing and doing things in the name of Jesus and spreading the gospel.  When the high priest called for the apostles the next day they were not found in prison.  God had set them free.  The apostles were found teaching in the temple and the guards brought them before the counsel.  The high priest asked them why they continue preaching when they had told them not to.  Peter answered that they should obey God rather than man.  If we had such boldness in the face of trial.  The apostles were beaten and then set free, but they rejoiced that they had beaten for Christ.  Alot of times we complain when we suffer for Christ, yet these men were rejoicing that they were worthy to suffer for His name.     

Acts 10

Acts 10 is when the Gentiles are given the word and spirit.  Before Acts 10 the Gospel had been taught to only the Jews.  Only Jew had become Christians and received the Spirit.  The Lord sent a vision to Peter and in the vision a sheet has let down from heaven with all kinds of animals.  The Lord told Peter to kill and eat.  Peter then answered the Lord that he had never eaten anything unclean or uncommon, this happened three times.  What this meant was that the gospel was for all people of the earth, Jew and Gentile.  So Peter went out and taught the Gentiles, they believed and received the Spirit.  That is the true fulfillment of the great commission, to all people of all nations.   

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Acts 4

Acts 4 starts with Peter and John teaching in the temple.  The priests, the captain of the temple, and the Sadducees came and took Peter and Paul away and put them before the council of the priests.  They saw that the lame man was healed and asked by who authority they did it by.  Peter was filled with boldness and told them the man was healed through Jesus Christ whom they killed and was again raised by the Father.  The council could not find any grounds on which to punish them so they threatened Peter and John and charged them not to speak of Jesus to anyone.  Peter replied to them that they would continue to speak of Jesus.  The other believers were praying for boldness, as should we.  To have such boldness in the face of opposition, that is a way to follow in and become more like Jesus.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Acts 3

Acts 3 starts with Peter and John on their way into the temple.  Before they entered, a lame beggar asked for alms from them.  Peter told the man that he had no silver or gold, but what the did have he would give to him.  Peter then healed the man.  The beggar walked into the temple with Peter and John and the people were astonished and ran to the temple.  Peter saw this and began to preach the gospel to the people.  He seized the opportunity.  We most likely will never heal a man who cant walk, but we do have the ability to preach the gospel when given the opportunity.  When you are with a group of people and they are all introducing themselves, there is an opportunity.  When the conversation is about things of the creation there is an opportunity.  Like Peter, when we have the opportunity to share the gospel, we need to grab and run with it.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Acts 2

Acts 2 begins with the coming of the Holy Spirit.  Its says that it came with the sound of a mighty rushing wind and tongues that appeared like fire rested upon them.  The people had gather in a house and they were from all places of the earth, bu when they began to speak they all understood each other for each man hear in his own language.  Peter then stood and taught to the people present.  He preached the gospel of Jesus Christ and 3,000 were saved that day.  This was the beginning of the ministry of the disciples. 

Monday, February 2, 2015

Acts 1

Though Acts has two chapters separating it from Mark, the first chapter begins right where mark left off.  Jesus is with His disciples and He promises the Holy Spirit.  They then went with the Lord and watched as He ascended into heaven.  What is interesting is that the next thing they do after then return to Jerusalem is to replace Judas.  The disciples were still the 12, but the company of men was about 120.  How important could it be to find one guy to replay Judas?  Obviously if Jesus had chosen twelve, so would the disciples.  Perhaps for the twelve tribes of Israel?  Did the disciples maybe think this?  This is the beginning of the disciples real ministry.  Jesus walked, taught, and healed in their presents.  Now it is their turn.   

Friday, January 30, 2015

Mark 16

In Mark 16 we see the fulfillment of what Jesus had told the disciples what was going to happen while He was with them.  He told them that He wold be betrayed and killed, we see this in the previous chapter.  In this chapter He raises from the dead.  Before He ascends to heaven He gives them a task, to proclaim the gospel to all creation.  This was not just charged to the disciples, but to all Christians at all times.  

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Mak 15

In Mark 15 we see the full love of Christ.  He was mocked and did not turn away from His path, He was beaten and He did not turn from His path, He was crucified and did not turn from His path.  And in the greatest show of love, He died for us.  True love, a perfect man who had no sin in Him, stepped down and took our place.  He was the final sacrificial lamb.  He took our sins, past, present, and future and paid for them.  So when Christians encounter a little trial and feel like its too much to bear, look to the cross!!!

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Mark 13

In Mark 14 we see that Jesus is committed to what must be done.  Before He is arrested, He continues to teach and prepare His disciples.  He again tells them He will be betrayed and that Peter will deny Him.  While He had the last super with the disciples He taught them the Lords supper.  When He was arrested He went willingly and before the the council of priests He did not waver.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Mark 13

In Mark 13 Jesus talks about the end of the days.  He foretells the destruction of the temple, The sign of when it it close to the end, people who will come to deceive, and that the Son of Man will come.  Jesus told his disciples that no one knows the day or hour.  Like when Jesus has foretold His death, He is preparing His disciples and us for what is to come.  By this time He has spent years with the disciples.  We should heed the warnings of Christ so we will not be taken by surprise the signings of the times.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Mark 12

Mark 12 begins with the parable of the tenants.  What is interesting is that after it was finished the Pharisees were seeking to arrest Hi, but they feared the reaction of the people because they knew the parable was about themselves.  In this chapter Jesus talks to and reproves the Pharisees, the Sadducees, and the Scribes.  He has by now told the people to beware of all three of them.  We also see the perfect example of what giving is in this chapter.  The widow didn't give much, but she gave what she could.  Giving is in the heart, not the money.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Mark 11

In Mark 11 Jesus' triumphal entry takes place.  Jesus had told the disciples to tell anyone who asked why they were untying the colt to sat, "The Lord has need of it...".  What was interesting is that the people then let them go?  Who did they think it was when the disciples said "The Lord"? When Jesus entered the town on the colt people laid their cloaks and leafy branches on the road.  When in Jerusalem Jesus entered to the temple to see it being used as a marketplace.  He overturned the tables and drove out the people.  I believe that is a fair warning on how a church should conduct its self.  You cant sell salvation or sell Jesus to the people.  There was a fig tree that Jesus went to for food and there were no figs.  Jesus cursed the tree that it would never bear fruit gain.  Later the next day when they went past the tree it was withered all the way to the roots.  This was Jesus' lesson on having faith and the power of prayer to the Father. 

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Mark 10

In Mark 10 we continue to see how the disciples are like us as new believers.  They have grown, but they just still don't quite get it.  They tried to keep the children from Jesus and Jesus was indigent and rebuked them.  When Jesus was answering the young rich man on how to inherit eternal life, the disciples too seemed clueless.  And then we see that they continue to have troubles among themselves.  James and John request to sit at the right and left hand of Jesus and when the rest of the disciples hear this they become indigent.  Anther interesting part in this chapter is that Jesus foretells His death a third time.  He was really preparing the disciples and giving them foreknowledge for the days to come.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Mark 9

In Mark 9 we still see that Jesus is not yet ready to reveal himself.  After the disciples witness the Transfiguration He charged them to tell no one what they had witnessed.  And once again we see the we stumblings of the disciples.  They tried to heal a boy with an unclean spirit and were not ale to, to which Jesus exclaimed, "O faithless generation, how long am I to be with you?  How long am I to bear with you?"    We also see the disciples arguing about who was the greatest among themselves.  And Jesus says whoever shall be put first will be last and whoever is last shall be put first.  Jesus also for the second time foretells His death and resurrection.  

Monday, January 19, 2015

Mark 8

What I find most interesting about Mark 8 is how the disciples go between being spiritually blind, to seeing, how they keep changing, wavering.  The disciples were worried about the amount of bread they had and Jesus takes the opportunity to tell them to beware the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod.  The disciples continue to discuss the fact that they had no bread.  Jesus by this time has fed five thousand with five loaves and two fish, and there was left overs, and again fed four thousand with seven loaves and a few fish, and once again, there were left overs.  Do the disciples really think that Jesus will not provide?  But how often do we as Christians do the same?  We see God provide, and yet we continue to worry.  Later in the chapter Peter confesses that Jesus is Christ.  Here is where we see some inconsistencies with the disciples.  They worry about bread, but will confess the man they are with as God.  

Friday, January 16, 2015

Mark 5

In Mark 5 we see people have faith.  In the beginning of the chapter Jesus heals a man with a demon.  After that He begins to leave and the man asks to come with Jesus.  Jesus tells him to stay and proclaim what the Lord has done for him.  This man doesn't know anything other than Jesus healed Him, he didn't get to walk with Him and listen to His words, but he stayed and proclaimed.  There was also a woman who had a disease who said to herself, if i just touch His garments I will be made well.  And through her faith she has made well and Jesus said this also.  A ruler of the synagogue also came to Him because his daughter was near death and Jesus also healed her.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Mark 4

In Mark 4 people ask Jesus why He uses parables.  He explains, "To you has been given the secret of the kingdom of God, but for those outside everything is parables, so that they may indeed see but not perceive, and may indeed hear but not understand, lest they should turn and be forgiven."
God has blessed those with Him in that we hear and understand the meaning of these parables, they are not just stories.  Those however that are not in Christ, hear the story, but do not understand.  They miss the meaning and the lesson of each story.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

5 x 5 Bible Reading Plan

5x5x5 Bible Reading Plan
Read through the New Testament in a year, reading Monday to Friday. Weekends are set aside for reflection and other reading. Especially beneficial if you’re new to a daily discipline of Bible reading.

This is the Bible reading plan we will be reading. This week we will read through Mark 6.
Please join us - and spread the word!

Mark 3

I believe we tend to forget the importance of the disciples.  In Mark 3 we see Jesus choose twelve men.  By this time many were following Him, but Jesus picks only twelve.  Also, we see just how early in Jesus' ministry that the Pharisees seek to destroy Him.  In the very beginning of the chapter Jesus heals a man on the Sabbath and the Pharisees hold counsel on how to destroy Him.  Another notable situation is that in verses 11-12 it says that when the unclean spirits saw Him they fell and said you are the Son of God and Jesus told them not to make Him know.  God had a plan and it was not the time to reveal yet to man who Jesus was.   

Monday, January 12, 2015

Mark 2

Mark 2.  In Mark 2 we see Jesus really show His divinity.  He heals and  tells a man "Your sins are forgiven".  When the scribes were questioning Him in their hearts he answered their questions.  Jesus also referred to Himself as the Son of Man multiple times.  One of the most profound statements He says in Mark 2 is, "So the Son of Man is lord even of the sabbath.

In this chapter Jesus leaves no question as to who is is.  No mere man would claim such things.  What man is lord of the Sabbath, can forgive sins, and make the lame walk?  No man can, but Jesus was no man.  Jesus, was the Son of God.   

Friday, January 9, 2015

Mark 1

Mark 1 has about 9 subsections.  Mark starts will John the Baptist  preparing the way for Christ through teaching and baptism.  Then John baptizes Jesus.  After that we only a few verses about Jesus going out into the wilderness and being tempted by the devil.  When He comes out of the wilderness is when Jesus begins his ministry.  From their he calls Simon, Andrew, James, and John as His disciples.  Jesus travled to many places with His disciples precision the Gospel.  While they were in Capernaum and Jesus was teaching in the synagogue, a man with an unclean spirit approached Him and said, "What have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth?  Have you come to destroy us?  I know who you are- the Holy One of God."  Jesus hen proceeds to rebuked the man and cast out his demon.  The people then began to wonder at Him for He taught with authority and the evil spirit obeyed him.  Later while in the house of His disciples Simon and Andrew, He healed Simon's mother in-law of a fever and she immediately began to serve them.  That night many sick and possessed came to the house and were healed.  Jesus and his Disciples left the day to preach in the other towns.  At a later time, a leper came to Jesus and begged to be healed.  He healed him and charged him not to tell anyone, but the man went and spoke of what was done for him so Jesus' fame spread.